We took the opportunity to find out a little bit about Wayne Standing in the High Pressure Jetting team. Here’s what a typical day looks like for Wayne.
Describe what a typical day look like for you at Acumen?
A typical day at Acumen involves a lot of team work and planning.
When arriving on site the first thing I usually do is take out site permits and discuss ongoing tasks with clients. I then liaise with the internal team and discuss the work ahead of us and how we can best tackle all work set as a team.
I also carry out tool box talks with the team which involves discussing the work to be carried out and explaining it to the team thoroughly before any work commences. I believe this is a good way to get everybody on the same wave length of the days tasks and also a good opportunity for any of the team to speak up if they don’t agree or believe there is a better way of doing things with alternative solutions. It helps everybody involved and understand anything they may have been unsure about.
What challenges do you face in your role?
I have faced a few challenges over the years at Acumen. As my role is very fast paced!
I have to think on the spot most of the time and make some tough decisions to enable a job to be carried out in the best and safest way possible.

A more recent challenge was a pipeline we had to clean which contained heavy fuel oil and the line kept building up with back pressure. We had to overcome it by placing containment to prevent spillages and drain the pressure back in the line to prevent it forcing oil out. The full team worked through the night to get the line isolated and made safe.
What does a good job look like to you?
A good job to me is one that is well planned out and organised. Sometimes it’s the little things that when taking into consideration can make everything go a lot smoother be more successful.
Good organisation generally tends to happen at the beginning stages of the job. I believe it’s the planning and preparation of equipment needed to make a job really organised so when we arrive on site we have everything we need and are fully prepared.
What skills do you think are important to your role?
Good leadership ship skills are very important, Good communication great customer care, as well as leading a team safely.