
Household recycling has long been inconsistent across the country. Whilst in some places a wide range of items can be recycled, in others this is limited to just a few types of material. In some areas all items can be placed in one bin to be taken away to be recycled, whereas in others, each needs to be disposed of in a separate receptacle, with incorrect sorting resulting in fines. Some local authorities collect glass whilst others rely on homeowners recycling this themselves at their local bottle bank. Plastic recycling is also another area where there is much disparity, with almost 8million households in the country unable to recycle this type of product.

Bearing this situation in mind, it is therefore encouraging to hear that the government is considering implementing new rules which will lead to local councils following national guidelines with regards to recycling. The aim of this move is to make the recycling process simpler for people across the country as well as remove the current variations in the type of waste collected and means of doing so. This would make the system as a whole more consistent and may encourage more people to recycle if the process was easier. Indeed, at the moment the country has some way to go in terms of its recycling efforts as it is currently only placed 18th in the world in terms of overall recycling rates.

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